Monday, December 23, 2019

The Criminal State of Mind - 1681 Words

1. Crime is a violation of the criminal law, and it is also related to sociology because it is an action that society considers wrong to do. The current state of mind of the criminal can also affect the intention of the crime. The most common crimes in our society are burglary and robbery. These are two different types of crimes. Burglary is the act of stealing without any violence, and robbery is the act of stealing with the force or threat of violence. The terms Actus Reus (guilty act) and Mens Rea (guilty mind) also play apart of crime. There is a theory interconnected with these two terms that states that one must have a guilty mind in order to perform a guilty act. There are four purposes of criminal punishment. The first reason is to deter crime, to prevent people of committing crime by inducing fear that a particular punishment might happen to them too. The second purpose is incapacitation, which is to imprison them to prevent them from performing particular actions again. The third reason for punishment is called rehabilitation, and that is reforming a criminal offender. By changing the way the criminal thinks, this could prevent them from performing the illegal act again. The final reason learned in class is called retribution, and by punishing the criminal, the state takes revenge impulse out of the victim’s hands. The overall main purpose of criminal punishment is to purposefully impose pain on the person that has broke the criminal law. The core purpose ofShow MoreRelatedThe Most Influential Television Series Of All Time896 Words   |  4 PagesThesis: Criminal Minds is the most influential TV series of all time. Audience Connection: It should be the next TV series you watch on Netflix. Preview: Today I will convince you why Saturday Night Live influential but telling you what the show is all about, awards it has received, and the effects it has had on society. Body I. So what exactly is Criminal Minds? A. For one, it is a popular TV series that many people view. 1. According to Wikipedia last updated on December 13, 2015, Criminal MindsRead MoreElements of Crime793 Words   |  4 Pagescrime The basic components of a criminal offense are listed below;[2] generally, each element of an offense falls into one or another of these categories. At common law, conduct could not be considered criminal unless a defendant possessed some level of intention — either purpose, knowledge, or recklessness — with regard to both the nature of his alleged conduct and the existence of the factual circumstances under which the law considered that conduct criminal. However, for some legislatively enactedRead MoreImportance of Mens Rea in Current Criminal Law1705 Words   |  7 PagesMENS REA Mens Rea is described as A guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent; Guilty knowledge and willfulness. [2] In criminal law it is the basic principle that a crime consists of a mental element and a physical element. A persons awareness of the fact that his or her conduct is criminal is the mental element, and ‘actus reus (the act itself) is the physical element. The concept of Mens Rea started its development in the 1600s in England when judges started to say thatRead MoreCriminal Conduct and Criminal Law1471 Words   |  6 Pages Professor Aryka N. Moore Assignment 1 Week 4: Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law Determine whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Provide a rationale to support your position. Crime has been a part of American history for years and will continue to be for all time. Criminal laws regulate human conduct and tell people what they can and cannot do and, in some instancesRead MoreFour Elements Of Crime And Liability Without Fault1406 Words   |  6 Pages CRJ 216 Criminal Law Instructor: A. Bates September 14, 2014 Four Elements of Crime I will be discussing the four elements of crime and liability without fault. I will be discussing how the elements and liabilities correspond to each other. When it comes to the elements needed to specify a crime, there are four main parts. These include the criminal act being performed (ActusRead MoreThe Development Of American Law1333 Words   |  6 Pagesof conduct usually accomplished in a style of a statute, as defined by our textbook, Criminal Justice Today, which prohibits or commands some standards of behaviour. However, people needs laws to maintain orders, without laws, we could not be safe or being a free nation. There are numerous groups and types of laws such as: Statutory Law, Case Law, Penal Code, Common Law, Civil Law, Rule of Law and Criminal Law that aid to maintain our society’s right and obligation today. The Statutory Law isRead More Understanding Crime Essays1576 Words   |  7 Pagesof the criminal justice system through history one discovers that the main goal is to detain the suspected criminal(s) and restore security to society in general. Since the beginning of the criminal justice system attempts to understand the inner workings of a criminal mind and behavior which cause these deviations from normal thinking or acting have been a complex issue of comprehension. What causes people to exhibit certain behaviors that make them criminals? Why are the minds of criminals so hardRead MoreEdwin Sutherland s Hypothesis Of Differential Association1237 Words   |  5 PagesDifferential Association keeping in mind the end goal to clarify how these elements were identified with wrongdoing. It had been watched that once high rates of wrongdoing were set up in a land district, the example reoccurred, with new eras of occupants supporting the example. Sutherland was in this way intrigued by clarifying how such a cross-generational transmission of reprobate qualities happened. In his hypothesis of Differential Association, he states that criminal conduct is an aftereffect ofRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System: Different Types of Criminal Defense647 Words   |  3 Pagesthere are multiple ways that they can defend themselves. The criminal justice system has a variety of types of criminal defenses that one should be familiar with, if ever in the position of being charged with an offense. Within this paper, I will be talking about seven different types of criminal defenses, starting with: insanity, automatism, duress, self defense, intoxication, necessity/ lesser harm, and mistake of fact. The first criminal defense is pleading insanity which is an affirmative defenseRead MoreCritical Analysis : Dangerous Minds By Malcolm Gladwell809 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Analysis Essay on Dangerous Minds Criminal case is always tedious when it involves little or no information about the offender, like in the 9/11 terrorist attack which annihilated most of the workers in and damaged the New York Trade Center building. However, in an attempt to identify the offenders, government officials and investigators try out different ways such as criminal profiling and others. Thus, in the New Yorker article, â€Å"Dangerous Minds† by Malcolm Gladwell; the author informs

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Consumer Behavior Ritz Free Essays

Ritz already had a major presence In the cracker aisle, but to sell this new product being old as a chip, they had to decide If they should move their product amongst other direct chip competitors. The salty snack part of the store contains mainly all the chips products, nuts etc. But as mentioned in the video, it is difficult to put just a single product in a section of a store where Ritz did not already have a presence. We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer Behavior Ritz or any similar topic only for you Order Now So keeping it next to the crackers ensured they would bring a strong presence in supporting their new product, as well as making it packaged in a bag rather than a box to represent a different product. ) How did language affect the marketing of the new Ritz Chip? The new Ritz Chip language affected marketing because they had to make sure the characteristics of the new product would attain the qualities of a chip and the flavor of Ritz. Therefore, the packaging and product had to communicate the product effectively to consumers what Ritz was trying to sell. The big bold words on the bag was also another way to communicate the intentions of their new product extension. 5) Do you feel it was a wise decision for Ritz Chips to be in placed in the cracker aisle rather than in the salty snack aisle of the grocery store with the other chips? Explain. Yes, people tend to overlook brands that have a few items taking up little bit of shelf space. It hints that the product does not sell well or doesn’t have many varieties to offer. The competitors like Lays, Gunship, etc. Take whole sections of space in the aisle and dominate all the other brands that have a handful of products, which usually are overlooked by consumers when they are shopping. Not to mention seeing the word RITZ on a bag that is boxy next to Lays potato chips will make the person think, â€Å"l don’t want crackers. However, if I am In the cracker aisle and see their toasted chips next to crackers, the product will look more chip-Like In comparison. 6) Discuss the differences that exist between the cracker Image and the chip Image as It relates to brand extension. How does this affect a product’s marketing strategy? Crackers towards older people; tend to be bland in flavor, eaten with soup when it gets cold, consumed when one is sick, etc. While chips are more youthful, kids are always shown in commercials eating them as well as more active adults; associated with mummer, more flavor, have a bigger variety and the list goes on. So in essence, chips are more fun, youthful, flavor, while Ritz crackers are associated with old people, cold weather, eaten when sick or with soup, basically not the most fun feel- good item one can purchase. The marketing strategy would have to use the brand power and reliability of Ritz, but offer a different younger, flavor product showing it’s a product that is capturing the qualities of chips besides Just the taste and texture, but the illusion surrounding it. How to cite Consumer Behavior Ritz, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Diels Alder Reaction free essay sample

Lizz Radican Lab 4 2/24/14 The Diels-Alder Reaction: Results and Problems 1. ) Table 1: Mass, Percent Yield and Melting Points for Diels-Alder Reaction Products. Product Mass (g) Percent Yield Melting Points ( °C) Anhydride 8. 87 88. 2% 164. 4-165. 8 Dicarboxylic Acid 3. 20 71. 9% 176. 6-180. 1 Unknown 1. 66 111% 168. 7-176. 0 2. ) See attached calculations. 3. ) Table 2: Anhydride Product IR Data: Functional Group or Bond Peak Location(s) (cm-1) Peak Intensity Symmetric C=O Stretch 1840 Weak Asymmetric C=O Stretch 1765 Strong C-O Stretch 901 Very strong Table 3: Dicarboxylic Acid Product IR Data: Functional Group or Bond Peak Location(s) (cm-1) Peak Intensity C=O Stretch 1702 Strong O-H Stretch 3200-2500 Broad, medium Sp2 C-H Stretch(s) 3021, 3082 Medium Table 4: Lactone (Unknown) Product IR Data Functional Group or Bond Peak Location(s) (cm-1) Peak Intensity O-H Stretch 3100-2500 Broad, medium C=O-O Stretch(s) 1175, 1158 Very strong C=O Stretch(s) 1769, 1691 Strong 4. The reaction of the unknown with bromine gave a negative result meaning the solution did not turn clear, but rather, maintained an orangish brown color. We will write a custom essay sample on Diels Alder Reaction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is interpreted to mean that bromine in not adding to either side of an alkene bond, so there is no C=C bond in the unknown compound. The reaction of the dicarboxylic acid with bromine gave a positive result meaning that the solution turned clear as a result of bromine adding to both sided of the C=C bond. The dicarboxylic acid has a C=C bond. Problems: 1. The carbonyl that is NOT incorporated into the ring structure has the greater IR stretching frequency. This is because the carbonyl incorporated into the ring structure shares some of its double bond character with the other double bond in the ring, giving it more single bond character. Thus, conjugated double bonds lower the stretching frequency of a carbonyl group by sharing the dipole character of the carbonyl group with the double bond. 2. Some C=C groups sometimes do not show up on an IR spectrum. This is because the C=C groups of aromatic compounds show weak overtones between 1650-2000 cm-1. This area of aromatic overtones could be partially covered up by a strong C=O peak(s) over the same frequency range. An aromatic C=C stretch could also be hidden by a nitrile stretch or an alkene C=C. 3. Maleic anhydride is an excellent dienophile because it is a cyclic alkene where the double bond is conjugated to two carbonyl groups. These groups, as well as the oxygen to which they are bonded, serves as a large electron withdrawing group which pulls electron density away from the double-bonded carbons. Because of this dipole effect, these carbons have a much more positive character, which will readily react with an available electron-rich diene. (See drawings on attached pages. ) 4. Yes, the reaction will be successful because the molecule possesses a conjugated diene that can rearrange through resonance where the double bonds localize to the same ring and react with a dienophile to form a bicyclo ring. 5. Drawings on attached pages. Diels alder reaction free essay sample The experimental product yield is 0. 28g (some solid left on the filter paper and some for the melting point measurement. ) The % yield of hydrolysis is 70. 7% Discussion: The cycloaddition of a conjugated diene and a dienophile, which is drove by forming new ? -bonds from ? -electrons of the diene and dienophile, which are energetically more stable than the ? -bonds. During the Diels-Alder reaction, the temperature should be kept between 60-70. Because the boiling point of the butadiene is low and do not let it vaporize. After cycloaddition, pour the reaction mixture into 50 ml water under room temperature, the product would precipitate because of the low temperature. The acid added for the hydrolysis part is very important because acids have been used to accelerate the rate of the intra-molecular Diels-Alder reaction. The PEG 200 used in this experiment as the solvent for maleic anhydride is  make the experiments more green, which is less harmful and more environmental friendly. We will write a custom essay sample on Diels alder reaction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The melting point measurement is helping us to determine what we get basically. Compare with the IR spectra I got, the peak at 1792. 62 cm-1 in the first spectra express the C=O bonds of the initial cycloaddition product, and the peak at 1697. 14 cm-1 in the second IR spectra shows the C=O bonds of carboxylic acid ( RCOOH) of the final product.